

· 全日制中专及以上学历,专业艺术院校芭蕾舞专业,学习成绩优良、综合素质高、形象气质佳;


Ballet major of full-time secondary school or above with excellent academic achievements, comprehensive ability and body proportions.


· 具备芭蕾舞者基本条件要求,身心健康,无影响专业水平发挥的器质性疾病和伤痛;


Meet the basic requirements for a ballet dancer, physically and mentally healthy, without any physical diseases or injuries that may affect the performances.


· 有一定的舞台表演经验,能熟练掌握表演技巧,有相关舞剧演出工作经验优先;


With professional experience and related stage experience is preferred.


· 不限国籍;


Of all nationalities.


· 提供行业内具有竞争力的薪资福利,具体待遇面议;


Salary negotiable.


· 联系方式


应聘者可将电子稿简历、本人舞蹈视频1-2段、相关证书等发送至邮箱563019646@qq.com;联系人:严老师  0512-62899836


Please send resume,dance videos and relevant certificates to mailbox:563019646@qq.com  Contact: Ms. Yan: 0086-512-62899836

版权所有:苏州文化投资发展集团有限公司 苏ICP备2022046675号技术支持: