
























Swan Lake Performance Synopsis



Festivities are underway on a terrace of the castle. Prince Siegfried is celebrating his coming of age and friends congratulate him. The mischievous Jester entertains those present.


Servants announce the arrival of the sovereign princess, Siegfried’s mother. She offers him an arbalest (a medieval crossbow) as a gift and reminds him that the time has come for him to choose a bride at the next evening’s ball.


It grows dark and guests leave. Siegfried yearns to remain alone. He is depressed by obscure premonitions. Seeing a flock of white swans in the sky, the Prince rushes off to the lake.



At the lake, located in the thick of a forest, swans coming ashore are transformed into young women, and Siegfried lowers his arbalest, stunned by their incredible beauty.


The queen of the swans, Odette, explains that all of them are under the spell of the evil magician, Baron Von Rothbart, and only the power of a faithful love is able to destroy the sorcerer’s spell. Siegfried vows eternal love to her. Odette warns the youth that if he breaks his vow, no one will ever be able to help them.


Dawn approaches. Once again swans swim into the lake. Odette bids Siegfried farewell.



At the ball in the castle, beauties from various countries appear before the Prince, but not one captures his attention. His heart belongs to Odette. Only at this mother’s insistence is Siegfried polite to the young ladies.


Trumpets sound announcing the arrival of new guests. Impersonating a noble knight, the sorcerer Von Rothbart appears with his daughter, Odile. Siegfried is confused – this beauty looks unusually like his beloved Odette. But Odile does not give the Prince time to collect himself. She lures him on, charms and captivates him – and the Prince, carried away by her, makes a declaration of love. Henceforth, she is to be his bride!


Von Rothbart trimphs. Siegfried has broken his oath to Odette, which means there is no love or faithfulness: nothing can withstand Von Rothbart’s power. For a moment, Odette is revealed to Siegfried in the window, and understanding the terrible deception of which he is victim, the youth rushes to the lake, to Odette.



At night, at the edge of the lake, Odette explains Von Rothbart’s deceitfulness and Siegfried’s unintentional betrayal to her friends. The Prince appears, begs forgiveness, promising to redeem his misdeed and challenges Von Rothbart to single combat.


An end has come to the power of evil wizardry, and the rays of the rising sun grant life, love and happiness.



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